搜索 杉山彦彦

  • 位于北关东正中埼玉县的某个乡间小镇,那里没有唱片公司也没有LIVEHOUSE嘻哈乐队“SHO-GUNG”的成员们一直梦想着有朝一日能开演唱会。然而现实远非梦想那么美好。IKKU没有正式工作被家里人当成是吃白饭的,好朋友TOM忙着在波霸酒馆打工,学弟MIGHTY家里是种椰菜的,老想着能有个好收成。即使如此,这群年轻人依然充满热情地创作自己的音乐,在当…
  • Ryo, the lead singer of a band scheduled to perform in Seoul, is terrified of airplanes. So after sending the rest of the band off, he decides to take a taxi from Tokyo to Seoul. The road to Seoul is a non-stop series of surprises; When his Japanese taxi arrives in Busan, the local taxi drivers are surprised and try to…