搜索 山田雅史

  • Ryo, the lead singer of a band scheduled to perform in Seoul, is terrified of airplanes. So after sending the rest of the band off, he decides to take a taxi from Tokyo to Seoul. The road to Seoul is a non-stop series of surprises; When his Japanese taxi arrives in Busan, the local taxi drivers are surprised and try to…
  • 由于发生了极为恐怖血腥的杀人事件,天神小学就此关闭,并且流传下来了据说可以召唤幸福的灵异游戏——“幸福的幸子”。此去经年,天神小学改建成如月学园,而高二学生中岛直美(生驹里奈 饰)和持田哲志(池冈亮介 饰)、筱崎亚由美(前田希美 饰)等伙伴玩起了那个诅咒游戏,从而导致许多好友命丧黄泉。半年后,直美和亚由美打算救活死去的伙…
  • 糸井重里が主宰するWebサイト「ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞」の人気連載「ほぼ日の怪談。」がドラマ化された。