Follow the heartwarming journey of 2 orphan girls whose only wish is to find a home for Christmas. With a little help from their guardian angels (Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury), they discover miracles can happen when you believe.
夫妻档亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊与萨姆·泰勒-约翰逊又要合作了,他们将把“臭名昭著”的畅销书、讲述吸毒“瘾君子”的《百万碎片》(A Million Little Pieces)拍成电影,计划丈夫出演、妻子导演。两人曾这样合作电影《无处的男孩》(并因此相恋)。《百万碎片》项目也很狗血:原作是James Frey写的书,卖得非常好,03年推出后就是各大电影公司争夺…
After an earthquake leaves Danny trapped and alone, his claustrophobic nightmare only gets worse when something truly horrifying emerges from the fissures in the ground, forcing him to engage in a brutal fight for his life and his sanity…