Filming has started on BBC Two’s critically acclaimed drama The Last Kingdom, from Carnival Films. The second series, adapted by BAFTA-nominated and RTS award-winning writer Stephen Butchard from Bernard Cornwell’s bestselling series of…
The subject of the film is the unearthing of a major press scandal inspired by the book by Spanish-German journalist Juan Moreno Tausend Zeilen Lüge (lit. “A Thousand Lines of Lies”).
被朋友两个字隔开的两个人的故事。最好的朋友,Phupha和Nanfah,将传达一种爱,困惑和恐惧的关系。他们将如何跨越从朋友到爱人的界限? The story of two people separated by the word friend. Best friends, Phupha and Nanfah, will convey a relationship of love, confusion and…
genera+ion follows a group of high school students whose exploration of modern sexuality (devices and all) tests deeply entrenched beliefs about life, love and the nature of family in their conservative community. Streaming March 11 on H…
本剧第三季率先于2017年5月5日在西班牙巴塞罗那Liceu大剧场试映,官方宣布将于5月15日首播。 Julián的扮演者因个人原因将缺席第三季,Pacino将代替Julián成为三人小分队的一员,Amelia、Alonso和Pacino将面临新的任务。 而在前两季中出现的Lope de Vega、Cervantes等重要历史人物,也将重新登场。