Three young adults meet a charismatic stranger at closing time of the bar where they work. They accept an invitation to join a late night gathering he is attending with some friends in a secluded desert house. At first charmed by their interesting hosts, a violent encounter changes the tone of their evening, and the gr…
本作的背景设定在一个类现代但是充满着超自然力量的世界Remnant主要角色为四个拥有各自的特殊能力(外像力)及武器的女孩:一个是少年英雄,一个是尊贵的女继承人,一个是迷惘的侠盗,一个是派对女孩。她们因各种原因聚在一起组成“RWBY”小队并接受训练,一心致力于对抗肆意横行的邪恶力量。 在此之前,人类为了生存,发起了对戮兽(Grimm…