搜索 Genelia

  • While on the way to the airport, Mala, who Jignesh Patel believes is going to be his future girlfriend, must listen to the romantic overtures of a group who are obsessed with the popular number 'Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na' from the movie 'Aa Gale Lag Jaa'. The story is about Jai Singh Rathore and Aditi Wadia, two friends who…
  • “终极武器”被网友戏称为印度版的刺客信条,讲述了一个普通的印度送奶工本打算为妹妹到金奈置办嫁妆,机缘巧合他成为拯救城市的人民英雄而他自己却浑然不知。后得知真相后他本想回家过自己平静的生活,但是天不遂人愿,恶势力的横行,贫苦人民的水深火热让他不得不披上战袍为正义而战。最终将暴徒,恐怖分子 腐败官员一一铲平。本片动作场面火…