搜索 DanielBaldwin

  • 突击行动HD
    自从上次前往墨西哥援救美国议员任务中,丧失许多部属后,摩飞上尉一直深受恶梦困扰。 然而,上次他又接到上级命令,必须远赴墨西哥,协助当地人民脱离贩毒商人沙力东的魔掌,为了对抗沙力东邪恶的势力,他们将使用这架名为Active Stealth的最新科技武器作为前锋,应付墨西哥这群难缠的毒商。
  • Charlie Reed is a man in a dead end job. But while he contemplates a change, he is suddenly promoted to the top security level of his company and asked to take over from a colleague who has mysteriously disappeared. However, not soon after taking up his new position Charlie receives an unidentifiable encoded e-mail con…