搜索 Zala

  •   The "Sixth Bus" is a film about a young woman trying to find out how her father disappeared never to be found, during a war in Croatia that stunned Europe and the world. It m.77mi.cc is about a search for identity; simmering be…
  • 每年,小精灵们都会从精灵之都施展魔法给人类世界带来春天,蒂姆是精灵之都的新成员,当他跟随大家来到人类世界时,他深深地被游乐园所吸引,而跟大家失散了。他被邪恶的马戏团老板弗拉蒂米尔抓住为马戏团表演。6岁的特蕾莎在看表演时偶然把蒂姆放在自己的口袋里带回了家,他们成为了无法分离的好朋友。而又一年的春天即将到来,如果不及时回到…
  • 在20世纪90年代以“威士忌大盗”绰号而名声大噪的阿提拉·艾姆布拉斯,在1993至1999年间曾先后抢劫28家银行、邮局和旅行社,抢劫金额累计达到1.96亿福林(约4000元人民币)。艾姆布拉斯被冠以“威士忌大盗”的绰号,是因为他在抢劫行动前,有在犯案地点附近的酒吧里喝威士忌的习惯。他告诉人民自由报,他将不再喝威士忌,不冒不必要的险,他希望…
  •   A tough guy turned star. He did something others wouldn't dare. Always one step ahead of the cops and always downed a whiskey before robbing a bank. Growing up in a broken home Attila (Bence Szalay) was a troubled teenager, even spent ti…