搜索 Uy

  • 大龄女青年丁亦可失业失恋,为了追回旧爱也为了证明自己,丁亦可通过职场真人秀阴差阳错进入了完全陌生的时尚买手行业。初出茅庐的丁亦可跟开着买手店的时尚圈精英男赵沫远不打不相识,成为一对欢喜冤家。赵沫远如同导师一般让丁亦可快速学习时尚知识,而丁亦可凭借惊人记忆力和刻苦努力的钻研劲,屡次化解职场危机,两个年轻人经历事业和爱情的…
  •   电影《国旗日》的故事根据Jennifer Vogel撰写的回忆录《荒唐之人:我父亲假冒人生的故事》改编,讲述女儿拼命抗拒她的骗子父亲给她的遗产,这项遗产充满了父亲的爱意但又十分黑暗,该片由Jez Butterworth担任编剧。
  •   1985年DEA探员“Kiki” Camarena的卧底身份暴露后被残忍杀害,该纪录片讲述这一案件的始末。(via 英美剧漫游指南)
  •   A commercial diver is stranded on the seabed with 5 minutes of oxygen, but no chance of rescue for more than 30 minutes. With access to amazing archive, this is the true story of one man’s impossible fight for survival.
  •   Emi is a young ambitious girl who has been dreaming about a big world for years. Whenever an opportunity arises, she jumps into its modes without hesitation, becoming an exclusive escort. Soon it is she who, at the invitation of Arab she…
  •   因為一場意外而失明的湯尼,遇上了天生聾啞女艾拉。然而身體的殘缺不足造成心理自卑恐懼,身心都有傷痕的兩人,一開始卻很難真正地敞開心胸。在相處的過程中,他們還是逐漸了解到,兩人的世界儘管不完美,卻是最適合彼此的。
  •   Wanda's world has been turned upside down when her teenage daughter Nina suddenly turns up in a hijab. Secretly, Nina has converted to Islam; she exclusively eats halal, strictly observes the prayer times and wishes to be called Fatima. …
  • 乡村媳妇蓝月,年轻时错失爱情,嫁给了一个不守本分,嗜酒如命的丈夫郎大树。二人经营猪场失败,郎大树进城做生意,被中学同学曲萍以合开手机店的名义,骗走资金,并背上了法律责任债务四十五万。这种情况下,蓝月家人主张蓝月和郎大树离婚,嫁给当年她的恋人,乡村教师董家亮,特别是蓝月的弟弟蓝天,更加支持姐姐离婚,想让姐姐嫁给当地富豪齐…
  •   “Amber Brown” is an unfiltered look at a girl finding her own voice through art and music in the wake of her parents’ divorce. The series will star Carsyn Rose (“The Rookie,” “Cousins for Life”) as Amber Brown, an everykid who is going…
  •   薏涵(简嫚书 饰)是一个单纯善良又十分平凡的台湾姑娘,在网络上,她结识了名叫茂木(中野裕太 饰)的日本男孩,刚开始,薏涵希望和茂木的交流能够帮助她训练日文,然而,随着时间的推移,几乎每一天都会聊天的两人之间似乎擦出了爱情的火花。  一晃眼,薏涵已经完成了大学的学业,毕业后,她决定前往日本,去见一见真正的茂木,而非只是…