搜索 Steph

  •   BAD FAITH exposes how Christian Nationalism has become the most powerful anti-democratic force in America, with an unparalleled ability to destroy democracy from within. Secular and interfaith leaders are joining forces to defend our cou…
  •   For thousands of years, only religion has offered an answer to what happens after death. Science is about to change that. With the help of a physicist, a blind medium, and Thomas Edison's final experiment, Brayden Taylor embarks on a que…
  •   「母亲教我说话,为何我得沉默?」祖母病故,住宅电梯故障失修,抬棺材到街上弄得众人狼狈万分,这就是黑人少女哈比的日常缩影。新当选区长的白人医生邻居,「仗义」收留叙利亚难民,却无视聚居多年黑人族群苦况,狠心推动强迫迁拆令,使哈比不得不在本该普世欢腾的圣诞节走上抗争之路。压迫愈趋无理,居民怒火可会一发不可收拾?赖卓利继戛…
  •   Emotionally vulnerable women are preyed on by a charming psychopath who wants to suck their tears.
  •   聚焦德莱尼一家,前网球教练斯坦和乔伊卖掉了他们蓬勃发展的网球学院,准备开始安逸的退休生活,渴望与四个已经长大的孩子一起度过美好时光。而一个陷入困境的年轻女子出现在家门口,让他们的世界发生了戏剧性的转变,乔伊突然失踪,这个家庭隐藏的秘密开始浮出水面,迫使孩子们重新审视父母看似完美的婚姻。
  •   25岁的伊莲活跃在对抗纳粹的抵抗运动中,奉命监视德国海军军官汉斯,他将成为潜艇U864的大副,并且被委派了秘密任务。出乎伊莲预料的是,她爱上了汉斯。即便汉斯已经和另一个女人订婚,但是他也被伊莲深深地吸引了。紧要关头,伊莲成功送出了关键性的信息—潜艇U864前往日本的准确路线。英国人怀疑希特勒计划将神秘的武器送到力量薄弱的日本…
  •   并非所有的三不管城镇都已随着西部蛮荒时代消失。在加拿大的西北地方有一座遗世独立的冰湖,住在这里的人无需缴税也不受法律约束。大奴湖的居民完全依照自己的标准过日子。然而,这个冰封的乌托邦并非总是世外桃源,尤其是当脚下的冰层开始裂开的时候。全球首播的系列节目《冰湖浪人》揭露一个法治外的世界,勇敢无畏的男男女女在这里对抗饥…
  •   Following the roots and evolution of racist concepts in the United States in order to understand today's society.
  •   Six dads gather in rural Oklahoma for a weekend fishing trip. As the men cast their rods into the river, share their catch over dinner, and swap stories beside the bonfire, we learn what has brought them to this scenic idyll: the love fo…