Follows Emily, who gets involved in a credit card scam after being saddled with debt, what pulls her into the criminal and deadly underworld of Los Angeles.
在罗马郊区的一座公墓内,正在进行墓地改造的工人们偶然挖出了一口埋藏了两百多年的棺材,连同棺材出土的还有一只神秘的匣子。这个发现令在场的神父有着不祥的预感,他命工人重新埋葬棺木,而将匣子邮寄给历史博物馆的馆长麦克•皮尔斯(Adam James 亚当•詹姆斯 饰),请求这位研究神秘学的老友帮忙进行深入调查。 然而,这个匣子却被麦…
MAYA is a mystical thriller, telling the story of the presumed relationship between Icaro and Adriana, since the moment they met until the day when she disappears and cease existing.
A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season. 24 international directors with the most diverse ideas and styles; linked by short animated segments that deal with the Advent calendar itself.