搜索 Saif

  •   Ningrum has had to face negative views from local residents since childhood because her mother, Handini, was always accused of having sex with many men. The death of one of Handini's close friends further plunges her family into local go…
  •   Nadia, the sole survivor of her family's tragic fate, grapples with the looming threat of her father's sacrifice as she faces a life on the edge.
  •   n Hinduism, Lord Ram is also addressed as Adi Purusha. Prabhas will be seen playing the role of Lord Rama and Saif Ali Khan will play the role of Lankesh, the demon King Ravan, in the film.
  •   这里是迦太基的新区,现代建筑与废弃荒地并存之地,人们在建筑工地的中央发现了看门人的焦尸。Batal和 Fatma负责调查此案,他们决定从邻近码头的工人开始盘问,可很快这起案件就被上面以自焚结案,这种处理让人感到非常绝望。但调查二人组并不接受这个结果,因为他们心中仍有很多疑惑。比如为什么看门人偏偏选择在一个如此隐蔽的场所自焚?…
  •   血债血偿,为母则强。藏身阿拉斯加荒野多年后,一名专业杀手重出江湖,营救她心心念念,却不得不抛下的女儿。
  •   这是一部关于股票交易的影片,处处流露着金钱和欲望,一个草根凤凰男逆袭的故事。男主出生并成长在印度的一个小山村里。男主一心梦想前往孟买,去为自己的偶像(一位金融大鳄)去打工。金融大鳄亦是贫寒出身但却成功逆袭的典范。男一号发誓要成为像该金融大鳄一样的成功男士。男一号凭借自己 的努力和对机遇的掌控,在一年时间内,成为该金…