Josh (Keegan-Michael Key) and Melissa (Cecily Strong) miss the magic they felt in Schmigadoon and in an attempt to return, find themselves in Schmicago—the reimagined world of ’60s and ’70s musicals. The new season will include new orig…
Follows Nikki Parker after she joins the LAPD's Missing Person's Unit to help other people find their loved ones at the same time that she is looking for her missing son.
虽然创造了无数令人惊叹的发明,可是华莱士(皮特·塞利斯 Peter Sallis 配音)却面临着入不敷出的窘境。为此,他决定将空置的房间对外出租。不久租客上门,来者是一只沉默冷冰冰的企鹅。某天,华莱士送给狗狗阿高的机器裤子似乎引起了企鹅的注意。此后的日子里,企鹅大献殷勤,令阿高倍感冷落,于是在一个雨夜收拾起行囊离家出走。但阿高意…