搜索 Ro

  •   同じ作業(細胞分裂)を繰り返すだけの毎日に飽き飽きしていた一般細胞の前に、ステキな帽子をかぶった謎の細胞が現れる。その細胞は白血球(好中球)やキラーT細胞らにいたずらを仕掛けようと一般細胞を誘う。日頃のうっぷん晴らしをして楽しむ一般細胞。だが、このステキな帽子をかぶった細胞はいったい何者なのか……?
  •   Filmed on the beautiful islands of Greece, "With a Kiss I Die" is a dark love story about Juliet Capulet (from Shakespearean fame) who is forced to live for all eternity knowing that her true love died in her arms nearly 800 ye…
  •   When Gem (Erica Hubbard) decided to invite her long-lost friend to be the Maid of Honor in her wedding, Allen (Brad James), her fiancé, had no clue he'd be meeting Kiya (Altovise Lawrence), a wildly outspoken lesbian novelist. Though an…
  •   藤田阳子(足立梨花 饰)因为被丈夫背叛而选择了离婚,成为了一名单亲母亲。不巧的是,在这个节骨眼上,她被公司解雇了,婚姻失败又丢了工作,走投无路的阳子只能带着女儿回到老家。阳子的父亲经营着一间饺子店,可是,等待着阳子的,却是店铺关门大吉的字样。原来,阳子的父亲身体一直不好,已经无法再支撑饺子店运转下去了。  对自己的…
  •   Alice Júnior is trans, confident and ready to confront life. In the new school in the Brazilian province, she is first bullied and then admired. In her struggle for acceptance, her YouTube community is omnipresent, in the comments and e…
  •   This is the story of Eva Perón after her death. The embalmed body of “Evita” had an eventful journey that lasted for 22 years, and was every bit as eventful as her 33 years of life. Evita died in 1952, but her corpse waited above groun…
  •   Two strangers met, fell in love fast, and have to decide after three years where their relationship is really going. Will they give up on love or continue to make it last? All of You is sure to make you fall in love over and over again.@…
  •   Mitya and Alisa are set to get married. The problem is that Mitya is still married to Vasya, who refuses to grant him a divorce. Can Mitya and his friends convince Vasya to change her mind?
  •   南宋年间,全真教道士丘处机与江南七怪武功不相上下,两方决定各培养一个徒弟,日后比武来决定双方武功高低。丘处机的徒弟是金国小王子杨康(苗侨伟 饰),江南七怪的徒弟则是自小随母亲在蒙古生活的郭靖(黄日华 饰)。从蒙古来到中原的郭靖,邂逅了“东邪”黄药师(曾江 饰)的女儿黄蓉(翁美玲 饰)。后又遇见义弟杨康,卷入了杨康一家的…
  • 一对年轻的情侣住在一套公寓里,公寓的后院被一道木栅栏隔开。他们各自的家庭,因两人的关系产生许多矛盾和混乱的闹剧,两家人隔着栅栏互相憎恨,“罗密欧与朱丽叶”式的故事,发生在这个廉价的公寓区。