搜索 Ren

  •   When Anya starts behaving like his recently-deceased mother, Emmett must confront his deepest traumas to free his fiancee from this bewildering possession.
  •   Travelers looking for lodging. They then found the Melati Inn and became guests there. Until one day they realized that if they were in there, they would never get out again.
  •   电影一开始,导演胡子杰(张子夫 饰)给女演员李圆满(陈翠梅 饰)讲了一个故事。  “宫本武藏到了很老的时候,有一个年轻人来挑战他。他们约好第二天中午在山上决斗。但是宫本武藏一直到太阳到了西边才出现。年轻人非常生气,宫本武藏背对著阳光,在决斗的关键时刻,故意让年轻人对著刺眼的阳光,一瞬间把他杀了。”  “这不是胜之不武…
  •   在即将迈入30的这一年,四名闺蜜应对情感关系,遭遇心碎时刻,并经历一个可能让他们友谊破裂的惊人境况
  •   曾為一家之主的爺爺,在家裡的地位越來越卑微,甚至感到家人無視於他的存在,所以他想出一個能夠喚起關注的妙招:假裝失憶。此舉雖然成功引起關注,卻也讓他陷入一個更大的難關:家人決定宣告他無行為能力,以接管他的所有財產,幸好還有小孫子帶他一起溜滑板,令他開啟如同滑板的人生,溜出全新的自我!
  •   In season 7, alliances are turned on their heads. Old wounds are weaponized. Loyalties are tested. Betrayal takes on epic proportions. Enemies become wary friends. And Bobby Axelrod returns, as the stakes grow from Wall Street to the wor…
  •   Quesada, Julián, Cañizares and company return to face a crisis that could end the company, but this time with Quesada as CEO.
  •   Clarence Day (William Powell), is a benevolent despot of his 1880s New York City household. His wife Vinnie (Irene Dunne), is the real head of the household. The anecdotal story, encompassing such details as Clarence (Jimmy Lydon), the e…
  •   Adela是一名充满同情心的罪犯辩护人,一直坚信人性本善,罪恶的是社会。然而她最近的辩护被告偷了她的车,在车内找到了她乡村别墅的钥匙并计划了一次盗窃。不幸的是丈夫在这次入室盗窃中意外身亡。这让她陷入理想与现实的纠结痛苦中,殊不知噩梦才刚刚开始……
  •   26 岁的杰克·保罗是拳击界的新救世主,还是营销技巧比他的拳头更有冲击力的“妄想症”推广人?这取决于你在《UNTOLD: Jake Paul the Problem Child》中问的是谁。本片大胆地深入探讨了一个来自俄亥俄州的天真孩子如何从网络红人变成体育界最具两极化的人。每有一个高调的批评者(UFC 主席白大拿),就会有另一个支持者(前职业拳击手迈克·…