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  • 两千年前的中国,秦王暴政,诸侯起义。血雨腥风的战场之外,散落着建立在密林深处的城邦。项羽和刘邦,两个反对秦暴政的起义领袖,带领各自的势力,为自由与安乐一路厮杀,同时也在向那座象征着无上权力与无限财富的王朝核心——秦王宫步步逼近。历史的过程总是曲折而模糊的,结果却只有一个:刚烈而冲动的霸王项羽在“鸿门宴”上错失了杀掉刘邦…
  •   北条司著名漫画《城市猎人》的法国真人版,Nicky Larson(寒羽良)是人称“城市猎人”的私家侦探,他集幽默、正义、欣赏美女的天性于一身,擅长处理五花八门的棘手任务,深受委托人信赖。阿香与寒羽良为多年搭档,两人看似相爱相杀,实则互相关心,有一天,阿香为两人接来了一单神秘生意——保护一瓶无论谁用了都会魅力大增的香水,神探寒羽…
  •   以变态、暴戾手法强暴虐杀无数女性的杀人狂柏德烈贝文,终于消失人间;可惜,他的消失并没有将恐怖杀机一同埋葬……丽楚纽曼(美娜古妮丝饰)是贝文多宗虐杀案中的唯一生还者,事隔多年,丽楚已是标致可爱的大学生,一切似乎归于平静安稳,丽楚亦定下新目标,立心要成为资深教授波比史德文(威廉撒拿饰)的助教,皆因在名师指导下的学生,毕…
  •   自命不凡的大学教授乔纳森·马福特(David Bunce 饰)带领一群学生去考察,他们乘坐的小型飞机由于流星影响在一片林区迫降,就在学生们以为考察将被迫终止时,教授发现了一种奇怪的踪迹,命令学生们在丛林中搜索前进,最后发现了一个废弃的农庄,全体在这里扎营过夜。  了解了他们的来意之后,农庄的主人(Ben Kahn 饰)给他们看了一个蜘…
  •   A teenage boy lives with his single mum in a flat in South London. Into the flat below moves an anti-social, former Rock God who faked his death 8 years ago. The teenage boy works out who the mysterious neighbour is and blackmails him in…
  •   来自宇宙中的Bratcher星的拥有黑暗能量的三人组到达了地球,将能量附身于蒸汽机车上从而获得了拥有自我意识且可以变身的机械生命体,其为了实现“将世界笼罩在一片黑暗之中”的目的,决定首先以日本地区为中心展开他们的黑暗大作战。为了阻止这一邪恶野心,维护正义的火车侠们从Hikarian星远道而来,于是围绕着火车侠们与黑暗军团之间的正邪…
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisd…
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisd…
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisd…
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisd…