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  • 一位用生命守护群众的逆行者,一段不平凡而又揪心的爱情故事。职场、情场都失意的音乐人穆随心(袁文康 饰)驱车前往云南,偶遇单亲妈妈彭彭(王西 饰),二人感情逐渐升温,发现了彼此身上的亮光,也触摸到了内心最深处的秘密伤口,彭彭内心深处无法走出的有关孙雨桐(邓超 饰)的心结也因此慢慢解开······
  • 在一个月黑风高的夜晚,灰太狼(张琳 配音)和一众同伴相约,杀进羊村捕捉小肥羊,为老婆和孩子送上情人节的饕餮大宴——涮羊锅。与此同时,羊村正在举行大白菜成功培育一千周年的庆典,节日的欢乐气氛却被突如其来的灰太狼所破坏。正当灰太狼与喜羊羊(祖丽晴 配音)激战正酣之际,狂暴骄纵的虎威太岁(贾译 配音)率领众多手下来到羊村,扬言…
  • 夜幕降临,资深刑警钟文(成龙 饰)接到离家出走许久的女儿苗苗(景甜 饰)的电话,他暗怀喜悦准时来到了正进行三周年店庆的武吧。武吧老板武江(刘烨 饰)热情地接待了他,但是酒吧内光怪陆离和乌烟瘴气的景象让钟文心生不快。稍后,苗苗抵达,眼见得纹身染发并且桀骜不驯的女儿,钟文尽量和颜悦色与女儿沟通,可当得知武江是女儿的男朋友时还…
  • 中环塌陷成“战场”,刘德华街头持枪对峙悍匪,秘密武器引爆城市战争。影片“从警匪到战争,再从战争到灾难”,超越枪林弹雨的场面,视觉效果真实且震撼,刘天王身份正邪难辨,警匪对峙,人心善恶。吕明哲(刘德华 饰)是香港屡破大案的高级督察,陶成邦(林家栋 饰)是屡教不改刚出狱的街头混混。吕明哲在一次街头对峙悍匪头目曹楠(胡军 饰)…
  •   After surviving a terrifying car crash, a young woman discovers that aggressive, flesh-eating zombies have overtaken the entire area. She must figure out what is happening and why in hopes of escaping her horrifying circumstances.
  •   Middle-aged Max and Sara meet and fall for each other in Palm Springs, but their love story is cut short due to a sudden zombie outbreak. Max is not as mild-mannered as he appears, and has a history involving government-sanctioned hits, …
  •   艾米丽和兰德尔是一对年轻情侣,他们假期逃到自家的海滩别墅重新寻找感觉。期间兰德尔父亲的一对旧友夫妇造访,他们四人也相处融洽非常投缘。但海滩别墅周围的环境却变得越来越奇怪,海滩的景色和水中的生物也渐渐变得怪异,他们像是被感染一般恍惚不适,而艾米丽则要尽力在一切太晚之前弄清楚这到底是怎么回事。。。
  •   A boy named Harley and his family (brother Austin, mother Beth, and father Mitch) attends a taping of The Banana Splits TV show, which is supposed to be a fun-filled birthday for young Harley and business as usual for Rebecca, the produc…
  •   Two young sisters find that all the mirrors in their estranged aunt's house are covered or hidden. When one of them happens upon a mirror in the basement, she unknowingly releases a malicious demon.
  •   An army veteran who returns home to the Ozarks finds an abandoned young boy in the woods, and as she searches for clues to the boy's identity, discovers the local folklore about a spirit, which comes in the form of a child.