Ten years after a tidal wave destroys a small-town elementary school with all the children inside, a young man builds a mysterious structure out of the school's remains, setting the town aflame with passions long forgotten.
It seems simple: an egg + sperm = one embryo. But if your sperm is "few, vague and abnormal" and your woman is premenopausal at age 37, things start to get complicated.
艾莉森·珍妮、安妮·墨菲(《富家穷路》)、本·普拉特将主演婚礼喜剧[婚礼上我们讨厌的人](The People We Hate at the Wedding,暂译)。该片由克莱尔·斯坎伦(《初来乍到》)执导,《开心汉堡店》第二季编剧Lizzie molyneux-logelin、温迪·莫里纽克斯共同操刀剧本。该片根据格兰特·金德撰写的同名小说改编,有望成为另一个[四个婚礼和一个…