作为曾经叱咤风云的前垒球运动员,丽莎(瑞茜·威瑟斯彭 Reese Witherspoon 饰)不得不承认,自己30岁的“高龄”早已不适合再在职场上闯荡了而就在事业遭受打击的节骨眼上,丽莎的感情也遭遇了危机。丽莎的男友马蒂(欧文·威尔逊 Owen Wilson 饰)是一个著名的花花公子,而身处而立之年的丽莎再也不愿意忍气吞声的当他的“备胎”,相处多年的两…
This is basically a tale of one woman's (Vanessa Williams) rebellion against tradition and racism in the south. In a time when it is against the law to marry outside your race, Henriette (Williams), and Gerard (Bellows), fall in love and face trials of the law of the land of the day. They plan on moving to France where…