30年前,蒂蒂和迪尔万出现在一个小镇,接管了一座破旧的宅邸,并将其改造成一个古色古香、田园诗般的家,供无家可归者和无处可去的人使用。它在小社区和附近城镇中引起了轰动,尤其是迪尔万从未要求任何付款,并且他采取了巨大的努力和措施为居民提供最好的护理和设施。殊不知,收容所只是另一桩荒唐而又黑暗险恶的生意的幌子。 Titi 和 Dir…
Balmer, an agency nurse met Sweeney who is confessed of killing his ex-girlfriend. He subjected her to fatal attack before evading capture. Balmer rebuilt her life to confront Sweeney seven years later after arrested for another murder.
The storyline tells of how 42-year-old Teresa changes her holiday plans and spends the summer with her mother, Ani. However, living together day and night after so many years is not easy for either of them. Used to living alone, it’s har…