第三季启程,小鸡团队(Jaki, Bekky 和Poyo)将一起环游世界!从法国的卢浮宫和埃菲尔铁塔,到悉尼大剧院和美国的自由女神像;三只小鸡又怎会错过中国的颐和园和长城,印度的泰姬陵,亦或是埃及的金字塔呢?世界名胜古迹将被它们尽收眼底,但是它们到底在哪儿,随着每集故事的展开谜底将一点点揭晓……
Set in the American West of 1876, 'R.I.P.D.2: Rise of the Damed' is a spiritual (pardon the pun) sequel to 2013's 'R.I.P.D.' Sheriff Roy Pulsipher isn't too thrilled about finding himself dead after a shoot out with a notorious outlaw gang, but he does get a second chance to return to earth after being recruited by the…