Yura (Clara Bernadeth), a poor girl who lives with adoptive parents, is lulled by hopes for life. She faces the complicated love triangle between Oka (Kevin Ardilio) and Christian (Giorgino Abraham). The story of dreams, romance, and emo…
Gwangho, a prospect on his high school baseball team, is not drafted by a professional baseball team. His desire to continue playing baseball strains his relationship with his team members. Gwangho eventually begins selling fake gasoline…
《BLACKPINK THE MOVIE》是BLACKPINK为纪念出道五周年而制作的电影,是YG重磅预告的五周年纪念“4+1 PROJECT”中的一环。 电影中加入了《THE SHOW》和《IN YOUR AREA》(2018年)演唱会上的5首实况歌曲,对BLACKPINK的热门歌曲舞台进行了重新编辑,以让观众们能够身临其境般地观看生动的现场演出。此外,还公开了一直未公开过的成员们的特…