博杜恩夫妇家的保姆弗朗索瓦兹忽然找到茱莉·莱斯科警长,因为她发现博杜恩家的宝宝不见了莱斯科警长开始了调查工作,而博杜恩夫妇似乎 并不配合,他们说孩子并没有失踪,只是弗朗索瓦兹不知道孩子已经被送 到了外婆家。莱斯科警长曾经也是一名母亲,根据极为细微的线索证明孩子的确已经遭人绑架了。进一步调查的结果令莱斯科警长大为吃惊:原来…
A stranger in his own life, 25 year old Danny reluctantly returns to his childhood home after his father's sudden passing. To his surprise, he slowly rediscovers his hometown in the middle of nowhere as a summery paradise and falls back in love with his former sweetheart Susu. But in order to find his purpose in life, …