"The One" tells the incredible and true story of a young woman who survived a fall from more than 5 km. Wounded and hurt, she had to struggle several days in the wilderness before being rescued.
Garret wants Talon to take the throne, while a mysterious assassin seeks revenge. Falista mourns for Tobin but hatches a new plan. Zed wants Wren to be High Priestess and uncovers a secret about her.
《哆啦 A 梦:大雄的金银岛》创造了哆啦 A 梦系列剧场版在日本的最高观影人次、最高票房双记录!新篇中七只迷你哆啦闪亮登场,故事也有了新鲜的发展。大雄少了怯懦多了担当,静香遭遇困境也能勇敢面对,胖虎不再只顾着欺负同伴……甚至哆啦 A 梦的道具都不再万能,凶恶的海盗竟然拥有比哆啦 A 梦更加先进的装备!哆啦 A 梦还意外的陷入了绝境,…