A frustrated, despairing housewife and young mother of two, imprisoned by her domestic world and ignored by her succesful husband, becomes increasingly bereft of hope and a means of escape.
Dogleg follows amateur director Alan, played by Warren, after he loses his fiance's dog at a gender reveal party on the day of an important shoot. As he struggles to finish his latest project with the help of a New York critic, the pursu…
圣诞节前五天,Xander Point 的人们对于他们传奇的灯塔是否继续运营意见不一。市长詹姆斯告诉深受爱戴的看护人伊恩牧师和他的治疗师妻子科琳,市议会投票决定拆除这座地标建筑,建造现代化的住所,以吸引更多游客来到这个海滨小镇。当科琳准备在灯塔度过她的最后一个圣诞节时,她最好的朋友布里回家过节。她对与科尔顿的订婚感到不安,仍在…
The Power of Emotion explains that emotion isn't to be confused with sentimentality. Emotion is ancient and more powerful than any art form. The film looks at young couples who run into difficulties as they try to translate their experie…