Follow a group of children who are evacuated to a Yorkshire village during the Second World War, where they encounter a young soldier who, like them, is far away from home.
Ever since she was little Zelma was convinced that, if she behaved like a decent, respectable young girl, she would find love with a big L. However, her first, timid interactions with the opposite sex proved that reality is woefully far …
Apple TV+预定气候变化题材诗选类剧集《外推》。 本剧来自《秘密特工》编剧Scott Z. Burns,他将担任编剧、导演和执行制片。 剧集会讲述私人且意料之外的故事,地球面临的变化是如何在个人和人类层面影响着我们的爱、信仰、工作及家庭。通过8集有内在关联的故事呈现,每个故事都将追踪21世纪以来,世界各地为了我们共同生存而进行的斗…
本剧是BBC基于《A Very English Scandal》打造诗选类剧集,考虑到故事背景变化,续作重命名为《A Very British Scandal》。故事将讲述英国上层阶级遭遇的丑闻危机。 新故事背景为苏格兰,聚焦1963年阿盖尔公爵夫人Margaret Campbell的性丑闻事件。在Margaret(Claire Foy饰)与第二任丈夫混乱的离婚过程中,其丈夫阿盖尔公爵…