It follows a college student as she boards a party train for Halloween, and ends up fighting for her life when a mysterious assailant begins killing the people one-by-one.
Ever since she was little Zelma was convinced that, if she behaved like a decent, respectable young girl, she would find love with a big L. However, her first, timid interactions with the opposite sex proved that reality is woefully far …
继震惊全国的威兹堡命案发生已经过去10个年头了,当年的幸存者悉妮·普利斯科特(内维·坎贝尔 Neve Campbell 饰)经历了常人无法想象的痛苦与磨难,如今终于从过去的阴影走出。她将那段不堪回首的往事写成书,其经历也被拍成系列电影,一时间红遍全国。在全国签售的最后一站,悉妮来到故乡威兹堡。然而厄运似乎如影随形,前一晚两名妙龄女…