八公(Forest 饰)是一条谜一样的犬,因为没有人知道它从哪里来。教授帕克(理查·基尔 Richard Gere 饰)在小镇的火车站拣到一只走失的小狗,冥冥中似乎注定小狗和帕克教授有着某种缘分,帕克一抱起这只小狗就再也放不下来,最终,帕克对小狗八公的疼爱感化了起初极力反对养狗的妻子卡特(琼·艾伦 Joan Allen 饰)。八公在帕克的呵护下…
No tricks here - just a treat to a sizzle reel and a tease of Season 2, which premieres two months from today - Thurs, Sept. 29 (8:30-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS! The hit comedy was the #1 new television series of last season and the #1 comed…