A life affirming family dramedy that takes place in a small town in the heart of the country. Dustin Hoffman plays BILL, a larger-than-life Father to SAM (Jake Hoffman) who has returned home to take care of Bill and his ailing health. Wh…
In Mulligan, after Earth is destroyed by an alien attack, a rag-tag band of survivors has to start society over from scratch. It’s an opportunity to learn from humanity’s past mistakes and get things right this time. Or make the same mi…
美艳的神秘女郎爱伦(莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone 饰)突然闯进美国西部一个充满暴力的小镇,为了一段不堪回首的回忆而开展复仇。在她到达小镇后不久,一位名叫科特的牧师(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)也来到小镇。与此同时,蜂拥而至的神枪手们也从四面八方纷纷赶来。而让他们趋之若鹜的原因,是一场以巨额奖金为诱饵的枪击比赛。比赛只有…